
Doki doki literature club hidden poems
Doki doki literature club hidden poems

doki doki literature club hidden poems

Doki Doki Literature Club - Yuri Poem Translation Below, you'll find the current translation of Yuri's third poem in Doki Doki Literature Club. Warning: The contents of Yuri’s third poem are extremely disturbing, graphic, and confusing. Want to know what it says? Read on for the full translation of Yuri’s third poem in Doki Doki Literature Club! Right now, the poem’s title is known only as “mdpnfbo,jrfp” and many feel it lends credence to theories surrounding the next game due out from developer Team Salvato in 2018. Unfortunately, the translation is an even bigger mystery as it reads as a jumbled collection of words and disturbing imagery. When pasted into a text editor, the poem gradually begins to reveal itself.

doki doki literature club hidden poems doki doki literature club hidden poems

The reason why Yuri’s poem appears to be illegible is because it’s written in a font called Damagrafik Script. Because of this, many Doki Doki Literature Club players have been scavenging for clues on how to translate Yuri’s third poem. In Doki Doki Literature Club, you’re given a strange poem by Yuri that requires proper translation in order to read.

Doki doki literature club hidden poems